Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Latest...

I feel like there's not much going on around here, and yet I still seem to be so busy. A few updates on life...

We still haven't found a house. We're looking, but because we're in a place of not having to move, we're more motivated to wait until we find exactly what we want. I'm realizing that dream may not exist, but I'd at least like to find something that we could stand to live in for 10 years if we needed to. We have about another month before we need to decide one way or the other, so we keep plodding along.

Now that summer is here and we're home more in the evenings, I'm becoming more domestic. Planning meals for the whole week and cooking multi-dish dinners has been fun. It's so much easier to eat healthier when you're cooking your own meals and not eating dinner on the go. I enjoy how much Ryan loves it, too. :-)

Speaking of eating healthier, after a week of vacationing/eating out, I got home to find I had gained more weight than I care to admit. It turns out the scale was actually off, but I had still gained. The number I saw on the incorrect weigh-in is what I call my "breaking point." When I see that number, I have no choice but to do something about it. Perfect timing for's been three days and so far, so good. It's amazing how even drinking more water will give me more energy. Let's hope this sticks...and that the pounds don't.

My chiropractor visits are helping my back and neck a lot. I'm tired of having that routine of going every day after work because it shortens my evening, but I really do feel like it's worth it. Just a couple more weeks of it and then I will be done. They'll probably tell me that I need to keep coming back regularly for maintenance, but I can't afford the time or money for that. I'll be content to just be able to sleep pain-free at night.

I've fallen behind in my Bible reading. I'm not really sure what happened, but I've got to catch up. Today's reading is the whole Song of Solomon...and my dear husband told me this morning it reads much differently to him than it did last year. Something about marriage changing his view of the book... :-)

It's my last day of work this week, but I am exhausted at the idea of nine more hours to go today, including a staff meeting. I didn't like being here by myself for two weeks, but it's been overwhelming to have everyone back this week. I am learning to cherish my hour and a half each day in the mornings before the rest of the staff arrives!

Speaking of which, time to get back to work...

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