Thursday, July 1, 2010

to be or not to be ... surprised

I (and many others) am so ready for this weekend to get here. It's my birthday Saturday and Ryan is taking me on a mini-vacation of sorts; only, I don't know any of the details. A few months ago, I told him that I wanted to be surprised, but now that it's only 40 hours away, the suspense is killing me. Here's what I know at this point:

- We leave at 6:00 AM Saturday. We must be on the road at 6:00, so he will be in my driveway at 5:50. I will understand at 6:00 why we are leaving at that precise time. For a few brief moments, I thought that maybe this was so that we could watch the sunrise together like we did on Mt. Sinai, but after having the sun wake me up around 5:20 this morning, that's obviously not the case.

- We arrive at his parents' house in Kentucky at approximately 8:00 PM Saturday. For those who can do simple math (that's all I can do anymore), that gives us 14 hours to get there. It only takes eight. Evidently, we are stopping at some point along the way, which was confirmed earlier this week.

- We are eating for lunch on Saturday at some place that has a good variety of food options. I don't know if this is to be a place familiar to me, but if it is, and if he's smart and has a good memory, it'll be Ruby Tuesday. About a month and a half ago, I answered the "favorite restaurant" question in front of him and RT was my choice. I also pointed out at that moment that he and I never go there. We still haven't been.

- I'll meet Alan (his mentor) on Sunday at church, and we'll have grilled pork chops for lunch. I'm assuming something will happen between lunch and dinner, but if it doesn't, we'll have either pizza or Italian food right after the pork chops.

- A reference was made in passing one night last week that we would be watching the fireworks from next to the river. I don't know which river and I don't know which day and I don't know if I was supposed to hear that. I'll act surprised. Oh, and I'll enjoy it - because fireworks are kind of a big deal to me, and we left two separate baseball games early this year (missing the fireworks show) because we were a) sore losers and b) hungry. I'm ready for fireworks, and I don't mean the cheap ones my brothers set off last night right next to Ryan's car.

- We'll have a "yummy breakfast" on Monday morning and arrive home at some point on Monday. Can you tell I've only received the food itinerary so far?

- I'll be given a packing list this evening, but am not permitted to ask any questions about it at all. It was suggested to me this morning by my boss that I just pack everything up in a U-Haul and expect the Justice of the Peace to be in the passenger seat next to Ryan. For the record, as ready as I am to be married, I would like to retain the opportunity to execute all wedding plans! :-)

That's pretty much everything I know...I think I've given up on guessing. It's taking too much effort and I'd rather be surprised. I think.


  1. I like how it's either pizza or italian food...

  2. Yeah, well it turns out it's really pizza or mexican. I thought that was a bit odd, too, when I read, wrote it.
