Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Only Water...

Three of these a day should be easy!
I wish I knew why it is so difficult for me to do something as simple as drinking water every day. I'm constantly thirsty, but for some reason I always resort to diet sodas rather than than the water that would really satisfy my thirst.

I've been going to see a chiropractor for the past week or so because of terrible pain in my back and neck, and he's been pressuring me about drinking more water as well.

Then my mom recommended I look at the "diet manager" available for free on WebMD. It's almost exactly like the WeightWatchers program, only it's much more cost-effective!! My mom and I did WW together several  years ago, and it was highly beneficial for both of us, but then we tried to manage it on our own without paying for the program and the weight slowly started coming back. Anyway, I figured I'd give it a go again....and there in bold print once again on the food logging screen it was harping about drinking 64 ounces of water a day.

I guess I should give commitment to this a go. I'll feel so much better, save money, avoid nagging, and feel a sense of accomplishment.

There's a good spiritual lesson in there, too, I think. Just translate:

"I'm constantly thirsty, but for some reason I always resort to diet sodas rather than than the water that would really satisfy my thirst"


"I'm constantly thirsty, but for some reason I always resort to sinful cravings rather than the true Living Water Who would really satisfy my thirst."

Perhaps drinking more physical water daily will serve as a reminder to go to the spiritual Water more consistently.


  1. Thank you for telling me about WebMD/weight loss. I need to do something. I am exercising but I am not eating well. And it is showing on the scale. :(

  2. Here's the direct link to that planner: http://www.webmd.com/diet/food-fitness-planner. Perhaps the three of us should start an accountability group! :-)
