Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Lesson in Wifery

I've been planning to try a new recipe for a few weeks since we accidentally bought some kielbasa and had to find a way to use it. It was only supposed to take 30 minutes, but of course ended up taking longer. It looked beautiful in the pan, and I thought it tasted pretty good, but Ryan just said it was "different."

This was the first time that he just didn't like a recipe. I've messed some up before, but made them again and they were fine. This time, he just didn't really like it. It was a hard thing for me to accept internally because I had worked so hard on it and planned it for so long. I think the hardest part was knowing this might happen again, especially since I don't plan on cooking the same five meals for the rest of my life!

I've seen it happen many times in my parents' marriage, but I always assumed it would never happen to me. Five and a half months in, though, that assumption was destroyed. It's not anything life-changing by any means, but yet another lesson in being a wife that came unexpectedly.

How's married life, you ask? Sanctifying.


  1. I remember my dear husband sweetly (maybe) telling me I didn't make his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches "right". I don't eat them so I may not. But I vowed then to not make him another one. I haven't. :) Oh, I am not a good example of submission here. Anyway, we laugh about it now. And there are times I do make meals that he says, "That was...okay." I just know that he is politely saying he doesn't like it. I try not to let it bother :) I just save those recipes for when he is out of town and I am cooking for the kids. That is okay because they don't like certain meals either. Oh well. Can't please them all. Just keep adding to your recipe list. Read cooking magazines. Ask friends for recipes. In about ten years you will have a good collection going!

  2. Thanks, Reba! My dad just told my mom last week that he didn't like something that she'd been cooking for 26 years! I guess I should be grateful he's telling me now!

    Oh, and your cooking blog is helping out with that recipe collection, too. :-)
